The Five Biggest Gifts of Sobriety

For those feeling trapped in the grip of addiction, the idea of sobriety can seem like a distant dream. Addiction can wreak havoc on relationships, finances, and self-esteem, creating a painful cycle that’s hard to break. But amidst the darkness of addiction, there is hope. Sobriety brings with it numerous gifts that can transform lives,...

Understanding Clonidine: Addiction Risks and Safe Use for Families in South Africa

Clonidine, sold under brand names like Catapres, is a prescription medication used to treat a variety of conditions, including high blood pressure, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety disorders, migraines, menopausal flushing, diarrhea, and certain pain conditions. As a centrally-acting α2 adrenergic agonist, clonidine works by relaxing blood vessels, decreasing heart rate, and lowering blood...

Stigma Surrounding Cocaine Addiction

The weight of living with a cocaine addiction is heavy. But if you’re anything like me, the load isn’t just about the chemical dependence or the daily struggle to resist urges. It’s also about the judgmental glances, whispered comments, and sometimes outright discrimination. The stigma surrounding cocaine addiction in South Africa, and globally, can often...

Staying Strong In Opiate Addiction Recovery

Relapse. It’s a word that hangs heavy in the hearts of those of us who have fought the battle with opiate addiction. If you’ve been down this path, like me, you know that every day in recovery is a victory. But it’s also true that the road is seldom a straight line. South Africa’s unique...

Addiction Among Pregnant Women

When you think of addiction, pregnant women may not be the first demographic that comes to mind. But this is precisely why it’s an unseen epidemic, lurking in the shadows of societal stigmas and complex legal landscapes. In South Africa, where substance abuse is a critical issue, the impact on pregnant women is even more...

When Does a Healthy Habit Become an Addiction?

You wake up early every morning, strap on your running shoes, and take off for a refreshing jog around the block. This healthy habit of exercise is undoubtedly beneficial for your physical well-being, but when does this habit cross the line into the realm of addiction? A healthy habit turns into an addiction when it...

Are Big Alcohol Companies Targeting Kids with Sweet Flavored Drinks?

As a high school coach, I’ve witnessed firsthand the harm that alcohol can cause to young athletes. In recent years, a concerning trend has emerged: young people’s rising desire for alcoholic beverages with sweet flavors. This has caused some to question the motives of large alcohol makers. Is the objective of these sugary beverages to...

Legal Marijuana: Are We Ignoring the Risks?

The global tide of opinion toward marijuana is shifting. Since the South African Constitutional Court decriminalized personal cannabis use in 2018, more people are willing to discuss the plant. As a spiritual leader concerned for the welfare of the community, I worry that we are rushing to accept the benefits without fully considering the potential...

The Role of Genetics in Substance Abuse and Addiction

Coming from a place of personal experience, I understand the struggle, the questions, and the search for answers that come with the journey of addiction recovery. One of those questions is, “Why me?” You might wonder why you became addicted while others did not. Recent research may help provide some insight into this. Studies show...

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